Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday's Splash of Color.........

I am glad that Friday is here.  We really needed rain when it sprinkled yesterday.  I have plants that are up and ready to bloom and they are wilted.  I planted some yellow squash plants last night that were marked down to almost free.  The soil was powder dry so I watered them heavily.   The squash plants each had six or seven blooms on them already.  We like the yellow squash in salads and to saute them with other vegetables.

I have not had the time to photograph all the new flowers that are blooming out there.  I may get outside over the weekend.  My zinnia seed are not up yet.  I am concerned that the dry weather is keeping them from developing.  I watered them a couple of times on my own but a soaking rain would fix things.

I will quit reporting on what I do each day as it is different each day. Being on a custodial crew in a school is interesting and in the summer there is so much to do in such little time. Different crews, painting and cleaning crews have to dodge the remodeling crew, my crew, on most days.  Everyone gets into each others space as they work.  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.................stage curtains, tall ladders, vacuuming and hand sewing repairs.

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