Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday's Stuff

My new squash plant seems to be content being planted in the ground.  I picked up two of these at the grocery store where they had closed down their greenhouse plants department.  They were almost giving them away.

My tomato that I planted in this container seems to grow inches a day.  I water it regularly and it is in the sun most of the day.  It is a happy tomato.  I am a happy tomato grower.  I plan to make a tent trellis for it so that it won't get too out of control as it grows.

My first coneflower bloom for the season. It is early to bloom but the hot humid day has made all of the flowers happy.

 I have a lot of work to do outside today.  I hope to get a lot of it done before it gets too warm. I won't mow the lawn as it is too dry.  I will be picking raspberries.  Thanks for stopping by my post today. 

1 comment:

  1. Soon you will have tomatoes!
    Coneflowers goodness:)
