Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rainwater works......

We are receiving rain.  It is needed for the crops in the fields and the gardens and flowers.  It is so welcomed and a relief to be receiving it.

It is an experiment that I am trying in my backyard.  My plastic swan is sporting the poinstitia plant that has survive inside all winter.  I know they grow in the wild in California but we are a lot hotter here.  I am going to keep it in the shade.  I know it will just sprout green leaves but I want to see if I can get it to survive out there the rest of the summer.

It is good that Saturday is here.  I think we will have more rain this afternoon. Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. The Poinsettia looks so foreign..but it is a good experiment! We got more rain today! We really needed it. :)
