Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday blooms and a promise to come.........

This rose is out by my pear tree garden area.  I have had it for a long time and it is responding to the rains we have been receiving.

One of my fancy Asiatic lilies is about to open.  It is frilly and peach in color.

This lily was bought at a flower and garden show many years ago.  It has  continued to multiply and be such a hearty lily.

Have a great Sunday.


  1. I like the color of your lily and hope mine multiply. I finely got a ditch lily to bloom on the ditch, I envision solid lilies there one day soon.

  2. The vibrant color of the rose and the position of its petals are striking. Thank you for sharing.

  3. That last Lily is a real looker!~ Happy Father's Day Larry! I hope you had a relaxing day!:)
