Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Shots.........

Casual informal shots of what it looked like in my backyard Sunday morning.  We had a light rain and the grass is greener and the plants are standing taller.

I zoomed in on the sound of the neighbor girls riding their bikes in the early morning. They moved so fast I didn't have time to switch my setting for moving objects.  The older sister and her twin sisters spend their days on the bikes or in their pool. You can hear them most of the day when in our backyard.

A welcomed sight when you want to get outside and feel the fresh air is the look of the table and chairs with an umbrella.  The birds sing and the day is good.

I have a large area of monarda, bee balm, that is just about to bloom.  The beginning stage of the bloom is interesting and great to see also.

Thanks for stopping by today.  It is suppose to be unbearably hot today and I am glad I get off work at two o'clock today.


  1. Great pics of your inviting and peaceful backyard. That is a lovely color of bee balm, wish I could grow it down here, but alas, it doesn't like our heat and humidity.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  2. You have a lovely backyard. I bet you and your wife enjoy grilling out occasionally and dining outdoors. The neighbor girl on her bike brings back lots of good memories. I rode a million miles on my bike at her age! I love all your flowers/trees and I remember how fresh the Monarda smells and the hummers love it. Hope you have a nice afternoon after work.
    John has shingles so I'm off from posting again.

  3. Hi Larry, I love the smell of Monarda..I too like the unique flowers! Stay cool:)

  4. It looks like a great summer day in your part of the world.
