Monday, June 4, 2012

Thinking Green.......

Yellow roses will follow soon from all of these buds. The rains have been been good for this plant.

Snow on the mountain or bishop's weed some will call it, and it is invasive. Still it is  a wonderful plant.  It fills in where my dry foundation soil will not grow a thing. It also grows under trees that put out a lot of shade.

My new hosta is looking better each day.  It was pretty damaged earlier but is now looking good.  It could use a lot more leaves and I think that should happen in a few more weeks.

It is back to work today.  It is good to have work.  It is not my favorite kind of work but as I said it is good to have work.   Thanks for stopping by my post today.

1 comment:

  1. Those yellow roses will be pretty when they bloom. We need rain badly, it just spit rain here over the weekend with no real accumulations:(
