Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday's Things.........

I am having a difficult time getting a good photo of this plant.  I guess it is because that I try taking it in the afternoon when the sun is so bright.

Smooth rocks from Lake Superior.  If you are missing them up there in the north I will bring them back.  I thought I needed to shoot pictures of things other than flowers.  These four guys sit on my bench next to my fish pond.  I like seeing them reminding me of the North Shore.

If you follow my blog you will recognize this clematis plant.  It decided to put out a few more blooms this past week.  I though ti was through for the year.

My whole family is suffering from my new work schedule.  I need to arrive to my summer job at six in the morning.  Everyone, including me, are going through time shock as our bodies have to adjust to the change in our sleep times.   We finally learned to get to bed earlier or we would be really exhausted everyday.  The five days of the week at the early hour then returning to normal time on the weekends just really doesn't work either.  

 I do like to get off at two in the afternoon, but if I have a very physical day then it really doesn't matter as I am too tired to get things done.  I do now know why one of our weather guys on tv resigned his job as he had been on early morning tv for 12 years and he just couldn't cut it anymore.  I don't know how he lasted that long.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Sounds like the early hours and the hard work is getting to you. Go to bed really early!! Like after supper! :)

  2. I work 6 to 2. My biggest problem is getting other people to understand that evenings are not good to call. Ha! It's hardest to go to bed early in the summer when it's still light out! Otherwise, it has advantages.
