Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday's Thing......

When I was a kid my parents called this Rose Moss.  I have since change the name around and call it Moss Rose.   We still don't have it planted outside as the heat has been to high for us to do so.

I should have used this on my Photo a Day blog but I am running out of shots to post.  I need to pick raspberries and mow the lawn so I may not get pictures taken for Friday. 

Thanks for stopping by my single posting today...............


  1. Very pretty moss rose. Hope you get a break in the heat to mow and pick berries.

  2. Oh it is not too hot for this plant thrives in the heat and drought here in North Florida....pinch it, it roots easy peasy and then you won't have lost anything if it doesn't take.

  3. We call it Moss Rose and it just blooms and blooms in our hot dry summers.

  4. It's a staple here. Loves the heat and can reseed. I found a volunteer by my squash last week.
