Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday's Wandering..........

The fish don't seem to be too bothered with our heat.  The koi has a minor defect in his tail but seems to swim well enough.

While out at my fish pond the Blue Jays were out trying to teach this young one to fly.  He wasn't doing very well as he tried to land on the horizontal board instead of the top of the fence.  You can see that he is struggling to catch his balance.

The planter that held my geraniums had been blown off of it's shelf on the fence and everything was a mess.  I had these begonias planted in there with them and they seemed to have survive the fall.  I did have a lot of broken off begonia stems that are sitting in a jelly glass jar full of water.

It was a very hot day at work today.  I couldn't drink enough water to get through the day.  I spend a lot of time working on floors with floor cleaning machines. The room we were working in kept warming up as the day went on as the room was banked with windows on the west and the heat index was 112 degrees F.

We are glad we have Barney on duty at all times.  We had a young man from the Academy that is north of town, entered the neighbor's unlocked house while they slept and lifted the car keys and credit cards.  He drove away with the company car.  If we had been awake we could have seen him leave out our bedroom window.

It was in the middle of the night and it is too common for these court ordered boys at the Academy to escape their quarters.  I normally lock the doors at night but the back door in which I let the dogs out doesn't always stay locked.  I guess it will be from now on since this happening.

 Barney barks at anybody outside passing our house night or day.  I did hear something from him that night  but he barks at late night dog walkers and runners every time that he can do so. I don't really ever think about it, but I guess I need to rethink that. My wife remembers the unusual time of the barking also as it seemed too early in the morning for anybody to be out there.  I do remember the police vehicle on our side of the street parked there when I went to work at six in the morning.

Thanks for stopping by my posting today.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing that Barney is a good watch dog! I hope they caught the young felon..if he wasn't one before his is now with the theft of a car. We lock our door at night better get a new lock or fix your door so it locks every time:)
