Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday's Things.......

With the warm weather that we are having the hostas are in a hurry to bloom.  The dry conditions are getting to be a serious problem  especially when the wind blows to encourage more drying of the soil.

To help out the birds in the area I have brought out the antique chicken waterer.  I have never actually seen a bird drink from it but my imagination lets me think that they are.  Evaporation is also going on with this watering system.

The morning glory seeds did sprout leaves.  I soaked the seed for a few hours and then placed them in very wet soil.  The shell of the seed seems to need to be broken down to help it to germinate. The package is full of mixed colors of morning glories so it will be interesting to see what colors will show up at bloom time.  I have two areas of these planted with about five plants at each spot growing.

We received about a tenth of an inch of rain on Sunday evening.  It did help a little but it could have been better.  It was a spotty rain with areas getting full inches of rain north of us and also south of us.

Thanks for stopping by my post today. Tuesday's are always better than Monday's.  It should be another interesting day at work.


  1. I love your hosta blooms. We don't have enough shade on this lot to have hosta. I look forward to your morning glories. They remind me of grandma. The chicken waterer is a great idea during these dry summer days. I had two agri-business secretarial jobs just out of college and am familiar with poultry equipment. In fact, I remember several employees from Iowa who temporarily moved to GA to help start up the business!

  2. I like your blog a lot, your posts are fresh and beautiful.
    Thank you very much :)

  3. My Mother feeds Humming Birds and Orioles that red sugary water in a chicken feeder like that. It should make a great extra water spot:)
