Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Has Arrived..........

On the hot days of summer, it is best to lay down on the sidewalk in the shade. It was so hot Sunday that she stayed in the basement where it is nice and cool. She would like a basket of clothes to sleep in to make it a perfect time.

I walked out to feed the fish and two garter snakes were  having fun swimming in the tank.  They dove down under the water when the saw me.  I am not sure that they can get themselves out of there so I lay a spade on the filter box that leans on the edge of the tank so they can crawl out of the area.

Busy, hot, and I didn't make it outside to get new photos.  Maybe on another day I can get out there.  Thanks for stopping by at my post today.


  1. Hello Larry:
    Your cat is lovely but we are less certain about the snakes. It is, though, very thoughtful of you to provide them with an exit route from their 'swimming bath'!

  2. I always love to see pics of Yellow Kitty. She is so sweet. I'll bet the basement does feel cool to her on these sizzling summer days. Have a good week, Larry.

  3. Kitty knows what's best for her :)
    I'm not a snake lover though I know these Garter snakes are not harmful, they still spook me ;)
    Hope you have a wonderful week Larry !

  4. Good morning L.D. ~ I would stay in the basement too. She's no dummy.

    I could do without the snakes, even beneficial ones.

    Summer is here and it's miserable working outside, even in the mornings.

    Have a great week and don't work outside too long.


  5. Well now I know I will never visit you..except in the seem to have lots of snakes around. I am very afraid of them:(
