Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Freddie Frog............

My old pond is the home of my bachelor frog.  He enjoys sunning himself on the side of my pond and can be seen setting in the water with his eyes and nose sticking out of the water.  I placed a photo on my Photo a Day blog and this is a different photo.  He has gotten to be tame as he doesn't get so startled anymore when I walk by the pond.  I like the quirky sound they make as the jump into the water. I really don't know that he really is a male but I am going to think that he is for now.

From my memory only I think his spots make him a leopard green frog and I will welcome any corrections in the comment section.

Wednesday means we are almost done with our heat wave.  Ten degrees less will be a big difference for us  on Thursday.  A chance of rain is in the forecast.

Thanks for stopping in to my blog today.


  1. You were able to capture a great photo of Mr. Frog. Riding down the road the other day, John broke out into a little song, "I'm A Lonely Frog!!!!!"

  2. He's a handsome gentleman !
    Looks like the frog we had "Igor", he serenaded us for going on five months, then promptly left...
    Great picture of Freddie :)

  3. Fabulous photo! Thanks for sharing.
