Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yellow Squash.......

It looks great but not in the late evening when it has been out in the sun most of the day.  I go out and water it in the evening after the sun starts to go beyond the trees.  My water barrel is now empty so I will carry water from the back yard faucet.  Hey maybe I can stretch the garden hose part of the way. Do you think that the heat is getting to me?

Saturday's project was cutting the parts for fourteen small frames.  I need to get  to the work of gluing them together then start staining them.

I have three glued together as of the time of this posting.  I will hope to get more done soon.

I worked with a fellow worker yesterday running machines to strip the wax from the cafeteria floor.  It is partially airconditioned and we finished it.  I have a couple of trouble areas that the boss wants me to return with the machine and fis it.  I need to sand out some kids greasy shoe residue from under one of the tables and strip off excess was in an area where a janitor had slopped too much wax in one area.

We are predicted to have had 10 straight days of temps being over 100 degrees F. by the end of Wednesday.  One doesn't really adjust to this heat like those in Arizona but we do learn how to survive.  My concerns are for the farmers who have the one summer out of the last 30 years to hit hard on their crops.  Parts of Iowa are getting spotty pop up rains but they just wet the ground.  I know that many states are suffering from this heat right now and some are suffering from too much rain.  The balance will come eventually.

It is Tuesday and I hope everyone is well and staying safe.  Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. Your post has made me hungry for squash.
    I look forward to seeing your finished framing job.
    Glad to hear that you worked in an area with some a/c yesterday.
    We are still struggling with very high temps here also. I drive a black car with black seats and boy, does it get hot!!!
