Sunday, July 29, 2012

Graniteware Revisited......

This is my other graniteware pan.  It looks like one of the horses down on the farm had stepped on it. It has a dent in it on one side along the rim.  I think it was used as a temporary watering pan for the two horses.  It was buried halfway into the dirt when I rescued it from the farm lot. Who knows how long it had been out there.

It feels like an orange day for some reason. We had clouds most of the day yesterday and then in the late afternoon we received a few thunder sounds and a gentle rain.  It wasn't much but it was water coming from the sky.  It helps even if it isn't quite measurable.  Made frames, stained frames and cut 14 mats for some crochet items.  I will have pictures later.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I now notice the heart-shaped petals on these moss roses! Love the orange color - reminds me of orange dreamsicles (of course!)
    Sounds like you had a very busy Saturday. I look forward to seeing the finished crochet in frames.
    Happy to hear you received some rain.
    I think it is so special that you rescued the graniteware pan. We found an old mule shoe at one of our houses (buried) and kept it.

  2. I've always loved graniteware, it is so versatile and as you've demonstrated last for years !
    Love those orange moss roses, so summery.

  3. I like the orange flowers in the graniteware. Good combination.

  4. I also like the orange moss roses..and the granite wear container is perfect! :)
