Monday, July 30, 2012

To Crop Or Not To Crop............

The front marigold was out of focus and the back one was in focus.  I think the crop was necessary as the one above really isn't good composition.  

Saturday night we had scattered showers  that gave us almost an inch of rain.  It is a blessing and it may save the corn around here in this area.  Any rain is a positive to our moisture concerns.

Busy weekend and I am back at it at school.  I have about ten days or more before I will be done with the present job that I am doing.  I will switch back over to substitute, office help and technology guy if not immediately, it will be by the 22nd of August.  I will then be back to wearing nonjanitorial clothes.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I can almost smell these marigolds! School starts here in GA on Wednesday.

  2. both look great...I think I like the cropped.


  3. Time for school already?? No vacation time?? Your Marigold is lovely..:)
