Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A meadow.........

The coneflowers in the front of the spearmint plants create a meadow like appearance.  The way that this particular set of coneflowers are growing I will have a meadow in a couple of years. The spearmint is going to take over if I don't mow it back. My other patch of coneflowers seem to be thinning out and not doing well so I am glad for this good patch of flowers. 

Tough day at work on Tuesday.  I hope it gets a little easier for a couple of days. Deadlines of getting projects done seem to be pushing us to work faster.  School won't be starting until third week of August.  We will be done by then.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous patch of coneflowers. You will have lots of goldfinches! Hope the remainder of your work week goes better.
