Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday's Big and Small..........

This is my large daylily.  It is two times the size of a regular daylily.  It isn't doing very well and I have been watering it to keep it alive.

This is a late bloom or a rebloom of the smaller pink rose.  It also is getting a lot of drinks of water by me when I am watering my tomato plants.

I really don't know why the shovel is still leaning against my fence.  I like it there and I don't even remember what I had been using it for in whatever project.  Next to the shovel is a dinner plate hibiscus.  The last short rain that we received did make it grow.  I need to water it but it is far from my water source.  I will try to get to it after work today.

Thanks for stopping by my post today. 

Oh yes we are really cooling down at nights now and I am so glad that it is doing so.


  1. More pretty blooms! I once had a Disco Belle hibiscus (with dinner plate size blooms) and I remember it needed a lot of water. It was pink and white with a red center.

  2. Hi Larry, We are cool at night to but it sure warms up quickly in the morning:..it is miserable hot in the museum:(
