Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, Monday.......

A view from my patio looking west.  The phlox are looking poorly and the ditch lilies never really did well this year. 

The rain may have made this be a better bloomer. Time will tell as they start to open up and show more color.

Another one of my smaller daylilies.  It doesn't seem very robust this year but there are more buds to help it show off itself.

Monday with cooler weather is going to be a great relief. I am seeing some of our projects coming to completion.  Others projects are still waiting for our attention.

Thanks for stopping in for a visit. 


  1. Love the view from your patio and your flowers are pretty. The little bunnies at the edge of the patio are cute.

    Hope you do get your cooler weather and projects get completed.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. You have a lovely yard and I'm happy your temps have cooled some. We've lost a few holly bushes despite watering them. I know you both like to grill out; I hope by Autumn, you can enjoy your outdoor sitting area again.
