Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pathetic Looking....... But Alive.

This looks sad but what you see is what I have.  I have keep most of it alive and yet the yard is looking pretty sad too.

The first bud is developed and time will tell.  The mad zinnia guy will start shooting the close views of every zinnia that is in the patch.  I am sure there is a pill for that to stop the obsession but I  won't take it.

Two pink blooms show as the plants are new and the root development is slow.  They are young plants and I hope that I can get them to winter through for next year.

Instead of staking this branch I decided to just give it a support system to keep it from bending or breaking.  The tomatoes are growing out on each end of the branches.

Saturday is here and I have some frames to cut for a lady that crochets small crosses.  She brought me ten of them so I will be cutting up 40 different pieces for ten frames.  It is not safe to really be outside in the afternoon so I will have to get onto this project in the morning.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I am amazed at how rich and dark your garden soil is! Ours is red clay with lots of rocks! Best wishes with your zinnias - they are such colorful blooms. Looks like you are having success with tomatoes, too. I am guessing the lady will give the framed crocheted crosses as Christmas gifts. I know they will be treasured. Blessings to you both this Sunday.

  2. pretty little Dianthus! That Siberian Blue one I had on my blog is a tried and true perennial has reseeded all over for me. Moss roses are a favorite of mine when we lived in North Dakota I had a border about 50 feet long that I edged with them..I had such good luck with them reseeding..all different colors:)
