Friday, July 20, 2012

Bring it on..........

The hardy geranium is just that as it sits out in the direct sun.  I water it each evening and the blooms just keep coming.  The leaves seem a little bit weathered from it all but it doesn't seem to ever wilt.  I guess it is the shriveling up of the leaves that takes place that lets me know that I need to pour on more water.

It was a cooler evening for us but cool is relative.  When 80 degrees is all you ever experience, one thinks that it is hot.  But when you compare the 80 to 100 degrees, 80 is cooler.

 I am concerned for all my garden friends and farmer friends out there who can see their gardens and livelihood being threatened.  We have to hope for moisture sooner or later.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Larry, your hardy geranium plant has a "companion" to look after it. Hope you and others get some measurable rainfall soon. It's raining this morning in RI where we're visiting for our granddaughter's 1st bday.

  2. Hi Larry you should be at the end of your week by now. Rest and cool off..your Geranium is lovely:)

  3. Love the geranium and squirrel pic. We have received rain the last few days and the grass looks so much better. The clouds have given us a little relief from the heat, too.
