Monday, July 23, 2012

River Birch......

The dry weather is signaling to the River Birch to shed some leaves.  I know it will last a lot longer but the bottom leaves are dropping just like it is fall.

The top of it seems to be staying green but you can see a few yellow leaves in there.

The ground does show the result of shedding leaves. Being the middle of July I assume most of them will stay on the tree.

A lot of you have been concerned about Button our small fluffy dog.  He is doing well.  He is back to doing the things that sometimes irritate us so he must be feeling his best.  Whatever he had, it hit fast and lasted about 24 hours.  He received a lot of special food and was cheered when he finally would drink water again. He was treated with some minearl oil, which he liked, as we were covering all our medical bases.  When he chased a cat our of our back yard we knew he was doing fine.  Thanks for all of your concerns for our little guy.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very happy to hear Button is doing well. The birch tree in our back yard is dropping yellow leaves, too. It does look like fall with the leaves on the grass!

  2. Hi Larry, I've been traveling as you know and catching up on some blog reads today finally. We have been badly invaded by Japanese beetles, I keep a slight upper hand by using my trusty death jar, but they attacked my neighbor's birch tree, between them and the heat it looks devastated at the top. Glad Button is surviving...this heat is a bad thing

  3. Good to hear the Button is better! Your River Birch is showing sign of stress. It drops it's leaves because it cannot keep all of it's foliage alive during the drought and the heat...I hope you get rain soon. Some of our Oaks do that in August..but you are correct July is early to see falling leaves:(

  4. Larry, glad that Button is improving, but that birch tree is looking rather droopy. I've voiced some leaves turning in our area too from the recent excessive heat wave.

  5. I'm happy to hear that Button is continuing to improve, he's such a sweet boy !
    The River Birches are suffering here too, I've noticed several of them in the neighborhood...dead.
    We watered ours, since last time we had a drought, we lost our eight year old River Birch :(
    Hope yours makes it !
