Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday's Chores.......

The black eyed Susan blooms are timid this year.  We had a great downpour on Thursday morning with about an inch and a half of rain.  It was again a lucky spotty rain that a lot of the state did not receive. They should perk up some now with some moisture.

It is cool this morning and I will be out doing yard work again.  I need to finish work on the alley way with clearing small trees and taking out dead weeds.  It will be the third Saturday in a row that I worked out there and hopefully I will get it done today.  It has just been too hot to work on the weekdays.

 I transplanted and rearranged zinnia plants on Wednesday evening to make my patch seem more even and spread out.  The rain came Thursday morning and I think that the timing could not have been more perfect.  The patch looks great.

I have some trees that need to be pruned but will see if I get to that.  When it is dry you don't have to mow very often and I will not be mowing today.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.

1 comment:

  1. We always knew we would have success with transplants if it rained on them. I know the zinnia patch will be very nice. I love the black eyed Susans. It's right at 100 today but there at least is a breeze!
