Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday's Stuff

While trimming some shrubs I found the remains of an old nest.  It had broken shells from robin eggs in it.

I trimmed out volunteer trees and weeds along my alley way on Saturday.  A lot of material in these piles actually came from my pear tree. I pruned it up from the bottom so I could walk and mow under it without getting hit in the face from a limb.

My tomatoes continue to grow.  I water them everyday.  I have four plants in the ground and I have this one in a pot.  I noticed at Walmart the other day that one could buy tomato plants with tomatoes on them larger than what I have here.  I started counting tomatoes on the potted plant but will have to give that up soon as it will get more difficult as the blooms turn into fruit.

This is the farm field that is across our street behind the neighbor's house.  Last year it was planted with alalfa which proved to be a bad crop. They  harvested four or five bales of hay from it then replanted it into soybeans.  This year the raccoons will be happy as they will have a lot of corn to eat.  This field is actually only 11 acres of land. Beyond this field is a much larger field of corn that one can see all the way to the horizon.

My yellow squash is regrouping from the heat.  I water frequently and hope that we do actually get some squash from the two plants.

It is going to be warm again today.  We had a threatening spot shower near us but was missed by that rain.  A neighboring town received less than a tenth of an inch of rain from that storm.  There was hail in it though the size of a quarter.

Another day of rest is good.  Back to work on Monday with the deadlines of getting projects done before August 1st.  I know we will not be done then but there will be two more weeks to finish up after that before teachers and kids start to swarm back into the building.  Administrators are putting the pressure on my boss but time is the enemy here and the projects require a lot of time. We will be done when we are done.

Thanks for stopping by today and have a restful Sunday.


  1. Love the sweet bird's nest. I enjoyed seeing the field across from you, also. I do remember what poor success they had last year. We did not plant tomatoes this year. We have been fortunate to have a local fruit/veg stand where we can purchase a few each week. Yardwork in this heat is exhausting. Your work at the school sounds very demanding, too. Take care. You two enjoy your Sunday.

  2. That corn looks good. Glad you are getting some rest.

  3. Hey, you didn't tell me about the robin's nest. That is beautiful. I hope that the family is thriving and managed to avoid all our neighborhood cats!

  4. Larry, I have hearing about the heat and drought conditions and hope your veggies will survive. Also hope you take time to cool down after working outdoors in such temps.
