Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday's Things.........

This beauty is blooming just off of my patio.  It seems to like the heat and has many more buds to bloom.

The phlox has droopy leaves but the blooms keep opening up. It sounds like we have seven straight days of sitting in this  high zone yet to come.

I did find the original use for the antique cast iron base.  It may have been  a bird bath but I don't really know.  I do have a plastic sauce sitting on it and the birds and squirrel like to get a drink from it.  Sometimes the squirrels lands badly from the fence to the water tray and the whole thing come falling down.  I  do need to do some weeding here but I bet most of you have some weeds somewhere in you yard.

Work today and then a day off. 

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Love the hollyhocks and that cool birdbath.

    Have a great 4th.


  2. Beauty in your garden, as usual !
    Thanks for sharing it :)

  3. Very pretty Hollyhock! Yes we all have weeds..you are not alone:)
