Monday, July 2, 2012

The wind and the weight.......

With a sharp down wind the apple tree lost it's branch fill with all these apples on it.  Just now I am thinking I may not remove the branch as the leaves of the broken branch are still alive.  The break wasn't complete so I am going to wait a couple of weeks to see how things progress.  It would be nice that the apples would be able to mature more.  This is the same tree that didn't have an apple on it last year.

I have a deep red hollyhock that needs some rain.  I may give it a bucket of water todat after work.  I picked the seed from a neighbor's plants a few years back and it just now is blooming.  I would like to bet a better photo of it but it has distorted shaped flowers no matter what angle I take the photo.

It is back to work today.  I will be glad when we can get the bathroom projects done.  It may happen by the end of the day but the light fixtures have not been shipped to us. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Stay cool wherever you live in this world.


  1. That limb is worth a try..I hope ypu are staying cool too! :)

  2. Apples are so exhasperating to grow, at least here in central MN. It's just too dry here. But from what I see in your picture, you are having better luck than I have. Good luck. Phil/MN
