Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Project.....

I spent the last two weeks cutting mats and attaching twelve crocheted crosses to the different mats.

Then add the twelve different frames that I cut and glues and stained and you have twelve finished projects.

This really nice grandmotherly woman gets me to continue to frame even though I am trying not to be in business after 28 years.  She is going to  give them away as gifts and sell them at a bazaar.  I framed a lot of her crochet names for quite a few years.

Here is one of her finished works.  She crochets them as individual squares and then sews them together.

Another hot day again today.  I slipped out late evening and watered the tomatoes and have one ripe tomato.  I will be glad for the weekend to arrive.  As a footnote the corn in our area is short and it doesn't look good.  I don't know if rain will save it this year.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Thank you for sharing these finished framed crocheted crosses. I love the mats and frames and the lady did a wonderful job on the crochet.

  2. Larry, when I first started to read this post and read about the 12 crosses, I immediately thought of the 12 shooting victims in Colorado and thought these were being done to give to the families. Funny how the mind can go in an entirely different direction.
    Sorry to read about the continuing heat wave and the damage it has done to crops is even sadder.
