Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh Yellow Kitty......

She is getting so old.  We don't know exactly but she is probably over 14 years old.  She is needy now as she has lost her hearing.  We put her outside in the day but it is too hot for us to do so.  Some days when we think she will be safe she goes and lays in the cool dirt under the yew shrub.  I we can't find her to bring her in that is where she will be.  Otherwise she lounges on the porch and we can find her there sleeping.

One afternoon we put her out and we just could not find her in the evening.  It is futile to call her as she doesn't hear anything.  We hunted for a long time and finally gave it up and she spent the night outside.  When she was young she did that all summer living outside but now it worries us to have her out there.  I told my wife that she will show up because she is a cat and she will be hungry.  The next morning I looked and foolishly called and she didn't show but within twenty minutes later she came rushing to the porch meowing loudly as she was hungry.   I put her into her basement and fed her and she took a nap in the dirty clothes basket. I figure she spent the night in the neighbor's garage as she does venture over there once in a while.

Worked a 13 hour day on Monday as my boss needed help to get a major part of the high school hallway waxed.  I did my normal eight hour day and then returned at three in the afternoon to help get the hallway ready for waxing.  Another younger guy returned to the job also and I finally left for home at nine in the evening.  The young guy and my boss stayed until two in the morning to get two coats of wax on the floors.  I was glad I was able to help but I am still very tired from the experience.  I missed watering my tomatoes on Monday and they looked really sad Tuesday night.  They got a lot of water and are looking good this morning.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.  I missed posting yesterday and I did notice that the world did not stand still.   Take care everyone.


  1. Yellow Kitty is precious. I did not realize she had lost her hearing. We have a friend whose cat lived to be 20! Our cat, Kaboodle, loves to sleep in the dirty clothes basket, too.
    I know you are exhausted after such a long, hard day at work. Hopefully, your schedule will get easier very soon.
    Glad your tomatoes perked up after a good soaking.
    Give Yellow Kitty a scratch on the chin from us!

  2. Good morning L.D. ~ Glad Yellow Kitty came home and was safe and sound. Bless her heart. She looks like such an old sweetie pie.

    That waxing job doesn't sound like fun at all, it's no wonder you were tired afterwards.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  3. We had a old dog that was was really hard not to call out to him..he did learn some hand signals.
    Cats always seem to find their way home..but I understand why you would worry about Yellow Kitty, sometimes animals go off to die.
    You are a work horse Larry..that is a long day..I hope you recoup quickly:)

  4. I have three cats and they're all getting some age on them, and like yours, they don't wonder off too far. I'm currently looking to adopt a yellow kitty like yours. I'm going to go look at a couple today, maybe I'll fall in love with one. :)

  5. Precious story and beautiful kitty. I drove to Chanhassen on Friday, attended an all day seminar, and returned on Sunday. 14 hours each way will all the stops (4 women). I am still catching up, too. Whether we are traveling or waxing floors, age has a way of slowing us down. Take care. Thank you for your story.

  6. Such a sweet kitty, I wish she would opt to stay home, instead of wanting to wander outside, since she can't hear anything :(
    I guess she is a street-smart kitty :)
    Glad your tomatoes have picked up after the watering, they are such a treat this time of the year .
