Sunday, August 12, 2012

Begonia Shine.......


  1. I always laugh when I see begonias because when John can't recall the name of a flower, he just calls it a begonia!

  2. Yes, every time I take a shot of the begonias I want to write," Here you go John, real begonias." My daily watering has kept these guys going. The impatience plants behind them just don't want to bloom.

  3. We are considerably cooler this morning, in the 60's. The cats are cuddled up against Harriet in her doggie bed!!!

  4. The Bennie plants two pots of begonias every year and they take the heat well and they are the only flower that looks good now, full of blooms.

  5. I am glad you were able to make these guys bloom. We had such a hot dry summer, we lost our outdoor potted flowers.
