Monday, August 13, 2012

I mowed some grass.......

On Saturday I pulled out my new $25 mower and cut off some of the tall grass in my yard.  We still have patches like this in our yard but the areas along our streets where the spotty rains have drained its water to the side into my yard caused the grass to be four or five inches tall.

This is the sparse zinnia patch that I have watered every day to keep it alive.  I feel like I am begging them to stay alive in spite of the weather.

I do have some life on the flowers as you can see the perfect hole in the one petal eaten by an insect.

It is Monday and it is back to work today.  We are in a panic mode of getting all the floors finished, stage curtains hung, and the final detailing of certain rooms in their painting and cleaning.  We were polished up and cleaned up a little for registration day and it looked pretty good but we weren't done with things, we just had put all the machines and tools in closets so the parents would think it looked good.

All the equipment is all back out and in the halls being left there until all the jobs are done.  The discussion among the crew seemed to think that maybe the boss had an unrealistic list of things to get done so we are in priority mode of finishing up the absolute necessities. A lot of work was done this year and some things will have to be finished by the daily crew during the school year.  Two newly remodeled bathrooms, two shower room bathrooms, two water fountains, and a major cleaning of the stage are really noticeable projects.  The rest is the refined cleaning of floors and painting of walls that most people take for granted. My boss is a perfectionist with floors so I have learned about getting a military clean floor finish.  Do it again until it is down to the original surface and then wax it.

Needless to say, but I will say it........ I will be glad when I have finished my service next week.  It has been a good thing and a bad thing. I call it my memorable summer vacation of 2012.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You certainly have had extreme heat to deal with while working this summer. I know it is a blessing to have an opportunity for summer work, but it has been very labor intensive. Your zinnias look good to me and I hope you'll get lots of seeds for next year.
    Our grass has perked up a bit from a weekend rain shower!

  2. I love your photos, Larry. Thank you so much for sharing. It has been pretty humid here in Montreal as well...and I don't like it at all.

  3. You sound tired..I hope you get some time off soon:)
