Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In the middle of the week.......

As the phlox reseeds itself and spreads it must grow out genetically changed plants. This is my only light colored plant that is a few feet away from the original planting.

I am a Middle School teacher today.  I was a janitor for an eight hour shift yesterday.  The people I work around are having a hard time dealing with my change of jobs.  I think it is good that they see me in the different positons. I didn't realize there is such a class conflict between the two types of work and I bet the ones at the top of the food chain don't realize how they treat the others who clean their building.

I am busy and will stay up with my blogging when I can.  Barney was ill for a while with a bad flea infestation that came on so quickly and it really made  him ill.  Now two weeks later he has had a bad digestion problem that kept him vomiting for a whole day.  We are on our third trip to the vet today.  His back legs were effected by whatever his stomach problem was and  he is now walking better today.  He almost seemed like he was loosing control of his legs but today we walked a half a block and back with some effort.  He is better and the antibiotic has taken away his fever. He is perky today and he is back on a little food and water which is given out on an hourly schedule.  Della has really taken good care of him.

Early out from school today at one o'clock.  The middle school wing is not air conditioned and its design seems to hinder any air movement.  It is already hot this morning in the room and I have five hours to go. Tomorrow is to be two degrees hotter than today.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and stay safe through the heat or hurricane.


  1. Sorry to hear Barney has been so sick.
    My phlox looks bad now from the heat and bugs. just hope it comes back.
    Your fall and winter sounds like you are going to be very busy.

  2. So sorry to read that Barney has been sick. I hope he continues to improve.

  3. Sorry to hear that Barney is sick. We put pro spot or some such thing on Chance once a month for fleas and ticks. I am sure you Della took really good care of Barney:)
