Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your Barn Door Is Open........

The Chicago kids found this at a garage sale the other day and bought it for my wife's collection.  Being a farm boy, I really like this one.  It has a lot of great detail put into its design.

This barn reminds me of my old metal barn that I had as a boy.  It had plastic animals with it and plastic bales of hay for the loft.

 I like how they drilled holes in the windows so the light from inside will shine through the panes.  I am not so sure that one could put green hay into the barn as that would mean trouble. I think all hay had to be dried out before it could be stored.  The green hay would heat up and turn to silage.

Those of you who were concerned about our border collie, he has turned the corner and is getting better fast.  He is a different dog than he was on Monday.  His energy level is back close to normal.  He can walk with some strength now and he is interested in barking at people as they walk by our house.  That is a relief to us to see him eating and drinking again and acting like our Barney dog.

Another very warm day today in the middle school classroom.  I thank you for stopping by my post.


  1. Hello Larry:
    What an interesting addition to your wife's collection. As you say, there is such attention to detail and that really does make all the difference to a model. The holes in the windows are such fun!

    Warm here too today, but the weather is definitely turning autumnal. So pleased to hear that your dog is over the worst.Pets are such a worry when they are not well.

  2. Thank you for the update on Barney. So thankful he is better.
    I love the barn. You'll have to be on the lookout for some farm animals now. The little light-up villages are just magical!

  3. I love the barn! - Glad to hear Barney is getting better!

  4. Cute barn..I hope Barney keeps improving! Have a good long weekend! :)
