Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday's Tidbits........

I watched a garden show over the winter that was sharing about saving seed from clematis.  I am watching this particular growth development and hope to get some seed from it later on in the season.  The warning from the gardener was that when you plant clematis seed that you won't get a reproduction of the parent plant but will get many different colors.

This is stamped on the side of my crockery.  Actually it is glaze and I really never looked at it before I photographed it.   It looks like the name is Ruckel's Stoneware.  I can't figure out what the one middle word was suppose to be.  It looks like it got smeared while the glaze was wet and then it was fired as is. I really don't know where I attained this particular piece but I had plants in it and now it is just sitting on my step with dirt in it.

One lone Blackeyed Susan is surviving our weather.  We missed a severe storm Wednesday evening and received very little moisture from the semi small storm that we had.  Light sprinkles is about the only thing I can see we had from all the warnings about storms.

Thursday and I am busy stripping wax from floors at school.  We are headed to the deadline and I wonder if we will make it.  I spend my days running a scrubber and wet vacing the wax up from the floors.  A floor scrubber is then run over it to get the terrazzo ready for polishing.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting about the clematis seeds. You'll have to keep us posted on this project.
    Sounds like you have a tough day at work. Take care.
