Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday's Things............

The river birch has a few leaves on it yet but I don't expect to see any fall color show from it.

I moved the birdbath out into the open and can you see the water in it.  It came from a rain that we had on Saturday.  Flower garden view is a pretty sad situation.

Here is the daily hit of zinnias for you today.  Wednesday means we have made it to the half way point.  It might rain today.  I am hopeful but also a little doubtful too.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Glad you got some rain, hope you get more. Your zinnias are winners.


  2. Love the photo of your birch tree. We, and almost every home in our little subdivision, have a birch tree. Seems some guy came through here about 15 years ago selling them! Each of the birch trees are losing their leaves currently. Each lawn is littered with yellow leaves.
    We were at the drug store about 5 min. from home yesterday and had a terrific rain - got home, and we had no rain!
    Your zinnias are so colorful and cheerful. Have a great day, Larry.

  3. great photos of the zennias - thanks for your comments - I still think your garden needs a little white during the summer (it feels cool)

  4. Zinnias look great..but that River Birch is headed for Fall early:)
