Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Shots..........

Having coffee on Saturday while sitting out on the patio was relaxing.  The temperatures were great and the slight wind made it pleasant.  The mug is one that I rescued from the Osceola landfill a few years back.  The moss rose in the pot is the world famous moss rose planter that I have probably posted dozens of times so far.  I have more photos but I will save them for later posts.

I picked up more fallen apples on Saturday as well as so more pears.  One out of three of the pears are actually good and we eat them as a snack after they finish ripening.  Della made another apple pie yesterday. I was exploring new ways to take photos out at the patio table with the pears, mug, and of course all the moss rose blooms.

I worked in my garden shed Saturday reorganizing the mess that I have in storage inside.  The light fixture is one that I removed from my mom's house and replaced it with a less decorative and more modern ceiling fixture. It hands inside my shed just for fun.

I was able to take a few new shots of my morning glories yesterday.  This one was funny as it seemed to have a porch roof hanging over it.  I will post the photos later of the different colors of flowers that   I have.

It is Sunday and it will be a good day of rest for me.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I love that morning glory shot! I can remember my grandma's light fixture like this hung in my parents basement for many years after he sold their house. As we all downsized, we sold it to a very excited young lady who loved antiques.

  2. Love that little moss rose and the fact that you are using a rescued mug and enjoying your cooler weather.

    Your chandelier is great and I love the morning glory bloom.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. My mom's chandelier was a cheap product from Montgomery Ward that she bought back in the 80's. It was sort of good looking but didn't ever look very real.

  4. Pears awesome..I read an article this morning about Peaches in Minot ND. I wonder how many years it takes to get peaches. I have peaches on the brain as we bought half a case from the Lions Club and have them every night at supper:)

  5. Apple pie...yum! I bet Della's pies are delicious!

    What a beautiful coffee cup too. How nice that you "rescued" it!

  6. I have seen versions of this mug at Wal mart. I like the blue stripes and the glaze really shines.
