Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Cold Saturday Morning.........

Hardy Geranium

It was 49 degrees this morning when we got up for breakfast.  The sun will warm it up by noon as fall really is in the air.

I will be peeling apples again today for a pie that my wife will be making.  I have some more yard work to do as I didn't get all my mowing done during the week.  I still have limbs to trim off of various trees that seem overgrown. I keep watching for falling pears from our tree to pick and eat.  This is the first year that we have had any fruit to eat from this tree.  There are pears still hanging on way at the top of the tree.

We are definitely having fall weather right now and it will be interesting to see if it holds.  The classrooms at school are warm but it will be nice to have it be comfortable in the rooms again.

I posted this on my Photo a Day blog today.  The guy flew in and landed on a leaf to warm himself. I could of taken many photos of it as it wasn't going to leave until it was warm.  I think it is a moth but have not researched it to find out what it is.  We had a mini migration of monarch a few days back but I think they must have been just grouping. It was a couple of dozen of them flying around and then they were gone.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. A burst of cooler air would be wonderful! I love your photos today, Larry. Enjoy that apple pie!

  2. Hi Larry! It is a Butterfly..I learned that butterflies have nubbins at the end of their antenna and moths do not. Great photos! :)
