Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Stuff..........

The hostas have struggled the whole summer especially the young new ones.  The fall weather has given them a chance to perk up and enjoy the cool air.

The morning glories hang in there as they have escaped frost and freezing.  I was surprised to see one blooming out on the shed trellis in late afternoon.  It still is very dry and they are putting forth a few last blooms.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Good Sunday Afternoon. Love your hostas and morning glories. Hope you enjoy your day.

  2. Dry here too Larry..we need rain. We had one hard frost it was down to 24 the flowers are mostly history:(

  3. Our hostas struggled too this year. Glad to see yours perking up now that the temps are cooler!
