Monday, October 1, 2012

Last year's autumn.........last year's photos.

Last year was a normal fall season.  I had a lot of tomatoes and they tasted like real tomatoes.  This year our tomatoes tasted watery and had little flavor.

I do remember how well these flowers bloomed for me and there were too many blooms for me to harvest the seed.

We are having the cool weather and cloudy days just like last year.

The monarch migration went through the Nebraska border area last year.  This year we had only a dozen or so that passed through quickly on a warm day.

My brother is in Iowa at the exact same time as last year to attend the family reunion.  He marveled at my lush backyard last year and how everything was so green and overgrown.  This year when he sees it he will see dead stalks and dried up leaves.

I am a math teacher today without lesson plans.  I have to see where each class left off from last Friday and make decisions for the next assignment.  I hope I don't have to do the same classroom tomorrow.  If I do have to return, I will need to take all of the math books home to prepare for the discussion of new material.  I took high school math back in the late 60's so it is a shock to return to some of that material.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. MY sweet SIL plowed his garden under before any frost this year, sadly a few tomatoes and okra, and that was our lot !
    I'm drooling over your pictures, those tomatoes look so perfect, I can only imagine how they tasted.
    The Monarchs have been plentiful this year....strange isn't it ?
    Hope your week is a good one.

  2. Math was my worst subject! I would be in real trouble teaching math!

    My elderly friend, Lillie, and I were talking about this is one of the worst summer's ever. She will be 90 in Dec.

    I don't think we will be replacing our holly bushes for the 2nd time. We may do without or at least go with something different. The front of this house just gets intense afternoon sun.

    Have a good evening. We are having rain today.

  3. It was a brutal summer..I am glad to see it over with. I cannot stand the heat day after day with no rain. Lots of fires burning in Minnesota now..hope it rains or snows soon.
    Math..I would have to cram for weeks..and that would be no fun..good luck teaching it! :)
