Saturday, September 1, 2012

Things to do on Saturday......

I have a few things to do but it is my day off and I don't plan to be too physical.  A friend of mine came by with his John Deere and mowed my yard, just because we were swamped getting Barney well.  It is great that I don't have to mow the yard.

I do need to mow the orchard area today and I have some apples to pick up off the ground.  I need to trim a broken branch off of the tree as its apples did go ahead and ripen.  I have stray Mulberry sprouts that grow up among all my property that I need to clip.

My wife says the humming bird feeder is needing a new supply of sugar water.   I haven't successfully had hummingbirds for a few years but we do seem to have a few now.  I will mix up a new batch first thing this morning and get it hung up again.

I also have a framing thing to do which I have been putting off.  I may  put it off again for another weekend.  It is nice to have a three day weekend.  We have change to the new sleeping schedule as I don't have to go to work at six in the morning anymore.  The whole household including the dogs are feeling better because our sleep that we get is in larger quantities and the quality of it is better too.  When you get up at 5:30 in the morning as we did all summer, one has to squeeze in a nap somewhere.

Our temperatures will be comfortable today and even though the list sounds large it really is small.  I may spread the list out from today and do some of it on Monday.  I hope to spend some time out on the patio watching meat cook on the grill and just sitting too.

Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend.


  1. enjoy your time. i am looking forward to a little down time away from school too. before hurricane isaac we got loads of rain and the grass in the waydown is sock high. I will have a hard time cutting it this afternoon.

  2. I guess with all that work "Labor Day" is a good time to do it.LOL

  3. Don't work too hard and I hope you and your wife enjoy the long weekend and something delicious from the grill!

  4. ENjoy a long restful weekend, Larry, before the school year starts deserve ito sleep in longer.

  5. I hope Barney is still improving. You have a weekend packed with things to do. So glad your new schedule will be better for the entire family:)
