Friday, August 31, 2012

Stopping by for a visit.....

Cali was our neighbor's feral cat that lived on our steps for two years. She went through two horrible winters.  She never really tamed up for us to bring her inside to the basement.  We witnessed her having two litters of kittens.  We haven't seen her for over a year but she stopped by over the summer.

Della had seen her early this spring and she now lives up three house from us and apparently has friendly people who let her sleep and eat at their place.  She sat on their front doorsteps and watched as she and Barney were walking by her.

She has had another litter of kittens as I could tell she was nursing kittens.  I didn't get to pet her and yet she didn't run away when she stopped for a visit.

I suspect she was at the stage of wanting to wean her kittens and she was getting away for a while  from her family.

It was good to know that Cali is doing well and I am glad she has a good home. Cats do have a tendency to take care of themselves and finding the best world possible to live in without any trouble at all.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Cats do have a way of taking care of themselves, but sure that Cali appreciates having some human assistance from time to time. We have several feral cats who live around some old buildings near our home and a womanwhonfeeds them.

  2. Lovely one !
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. She is precious and very fortunate to be in a neighborhood where folks try to help her.
