Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday Already.........

I was finally successful in capturing a couple of my hummers at the feeder.  I have two different birds here as you can see in the top photo the one has markings on its neck.  I don't think that it is a male.

The off and on cool weather has made my planter look its best so far. I don't think I have a single flower in this pot that hummingbirds would like.  I will have to work on that for next year.

My hardy geranium that sits out in the hot sun all day has regrouped and has about a dozen new sets of blooms ready for the fall.  The last heat spell took out all of its present blooms.

This other planter with hardy geraniums has come back to life also.  There are new buds on it also.
I like how the sun shines down  on the door.  I didn't plan the photo but you can tell it is late afternoon when I took the photo.  It was a very warm day and I was cooking on the grill at the time.  I shoot photos while waiting for the pork chops to cook.

I was a part of the janitorial staff and got off work at  7:00 pm. It was a very hot day with out air in that wing of the building.  This morning in the classroom I seem a little groggy.  At least there will be air in the room today where I am working.   I am an At Risk teacher, encouraging students to get their homework completed and in some cases get it started.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Very pretty photos of the hummingbirds and flowers today. Sorry you had such a long, hot day at work.
    Many years ago at my parents house, they had two large Lantana plants. The hummers absolutely loved the flowers. They are very drought tolerant plants that love sun and poor soil!

  2. Beautiful geranium and I love the blue gate.
    It must be the week for hummingbird photos. I'm seeing them everywhere. Glad you got some.

  3. I can't believe that you got such great shots of the humming birds. I love your blue gate also.

  4. You've captured two great shots of those lightening-fast little birds, I've not been so lucky ;)
    Your flowers like the cooler weather, they are so very pretty, and full !
