Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday's Things.......

The moss rose is enjoying the cooler weather.  It is amazing how it can put out so many blooms and by the second day they are all gone.  I looked at the plants last night and there was not a single bloom showing.  This morning I noticed I had about six new blooms out.

It cooled down last evening and we sat out on the patio.  The dogs love to be outside when we are out there and run all around the yard.  The evening seems to be the time that the hummers are feeding for their last meal.  We have at least three, maybe four of them and they fight with each other continually.  It was nice to be out there and watch them eat and chase around the yard. The shot of the hummingbird is another one that I took looking through my dining room window.

The sedum is about ready to bloom.  I have most of it standing up straight this year and that is good because I didn't get it staked again this year to keep it from falling down.

I mowed my yard this morning and did a few chores around the house. I set my mower down a notch to mow it lower.  It really looks good and hopefully I won't have to mow again for a couple of weeks.  I didn't have work today until noon. I am now an English teacher at the high school level for the afternoon.  They are studying Beowolf.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.  Friday is coming.


  1. Glad you had the morning off. Your flowers are looking great. We are having light rain this afternoon.

  2. ENjoyed today's hummer photo and the ones on a previous post, Larry. Nice to have an easier day at school today and the weekend is coming!

  3. You are back at work without hardly a break. I am so far behind at home I am sure I will never catch up..and I only work five months out of the year. Beowolf..I will have to look that up:)
