Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Three Bug Day......

stella o'dora

This lily tends to bloom all season when the weather is normal.  They use them in shopping mall gardens as it gives such a reliable bloom. I had one lone bloom and as you can see the bugs are feeding on it.  There are so few things out there in which they can feed so this one is overloaded.

a volunteer ash tree

The ash tree in my backyard has started to change color the past two days. It has small leaves so the branches are pronounced compared to the foliage.

wild rose

The rose hips are small in number this year but the ones that are there have turned red.  The little boy who visited last weekend was eating raspberries from my patch that were late comers.  He saw a rose hip and asked if he could eat it.  I told him no as they could be eaten but I doubt they taste good.

I am in the Special Education room again today.  I was in the high school math room yesterday and that was good.  I like being in this room today.  It is Tuesday and I see we have rain and cold coming in a day or two.  We really need the rain but I don't need the cold.  I will eventually have to move back in some of my planters for the final time.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope your day is a good one.


  1. Couldn't decide from you title if you had three bugs or had a bug that last three days..good to hear it was really three bugs..:)

  2. I see 4 bugs on that flower there, Larry. And none of them are nice bugs.... Hope the cold kills them.

  3. The colors are in full array now here in lower Michigan. I'm sure with all the wonderful greenery you have in your yard, the colors must be beautiful there too!
