Monday, October 22, 2012

In Case You Had Been Looking For Me.......

I am back!

Someone had figured out a way to get into my favorites list and add there blogs into my list.  I could not delete them because I had never selected them. They were not in my main menu of my account.  Anyway, right after I had done my blogs this morning, blogspot shut me down. They had recognize that an outsider was working in my account unauthorized.

I had to give them a cell number that would call my voice mail and they gave me a verification number to reset my blogs.  They promised that they would not give out the number but I am not ever going to be sure about that. It was disheartening to read that I had been deleted but fortunately they have a great memory storage area as all is back as it was.

I am glad to be back!


  1. Glad all is fixed. Did you change your password after you got back on?
    Nice begonias in the last post. I have one I'll try to overwinter. The rest are outside looking better than they did in the heat of summer. Hope to keep the blooms a bit yet.

  2. So glad to see you back! I tried to access your latest posts last night and couldn't. I was hoping nothing bad had happened to you.

  3. fun..but I am glad you are back to normal:)
