Monday, October 22, 2012

Mondays Are Always A Shock To The System......

One of my jobs yet to do is to pot up some of these begonias and some impatiens plants to keep over the winter.  Maybe today it will be done.  I also have to repot a large number of African violtet starts and repot a mother-in-law's tongue plant.  It will be done but not all of it today.

It is a little blurry but I was surprised to find the one small zinnia trying to catch up with the season.  I was going to  mow them down but I will wait for a while as there are two plants putting out blooms. I thought the contrast between the live and the dead was great on this shot.

I posted on my "Photo a Day" blog a similar picture of this cat.  My neighbor's feral cat was sleeping in the bushes.  She is semi tame, as she probably was born in their house, but she is an outside cat most of the time now. They find shelter in the garage as well as are fed in there too.

I am teaching in the high school math room today.  One can not make math entertaining.  I will have to work hard just to get them to do their work.  The one good thing is that the students want to hurry to get their assignments done so they can pull out their computers and check their mail.

Have a good Monday and thanks for stopping by today.

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