Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In the Middle of the Week.....

This is another view of timber in Iowa.  I asked at the beginning of the hike through these woods if they had deer.  The owners said there were a lot of them  and that they loved to mess with the trees in the area.

Any small trees in the area have wire fencing around them to keep them from rutting them.  The deer rub their antlers against trees during the rutting season and they end up tearing off the bark of the small tree trunks and also breaking off a lot of the branches.

This is the fall sky at my house with the silver maple turning yellow before its leaves start to fall.  I put all of my outdoor potted plants back outside yesterday afternoon.  I was tired of walking around them.  It was 29 degrees this morning by my thermometer and I may have lost a few of those plants.  I thought we were warming up and the nights were suppose to stay in the 40's.  It will be time soon to give them up anyway so if the are dead they will be dean.

This is my last day to sub for the instructor who was injured in a rollover with his four wheeler.  If his doctore releases him to go back to work then I will be back into the main stream of the sub pool.  I hope you are having a good day where ever you live in the world.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. The deer have taken the bark off both of our Dogwood trees, sadly.
    Yes, the leaves are turning, lovely blue sky !

  2. Larry, these are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Pretty pictures and I love the clear blue sky with the yellow leaves.

  4. The woods at your friends' place are beautiful. And I love the blue sky color at your house with the trees turning colors. Very nice!
