Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday's Blooms.........

It has been freezing weather and the one morning glory seems to be ignoring the temperatures.  In the late afternoon I can go out to the garden shed and find at least one or two of these blooming.  The vine to the left of it is shriveled up and dead.

The flower itself is pretty frail too as it is during a cool afternoon that it is blooming and not in the morning sun.  I see there are a lot more buds on it and if it survived last night's cold it will enjoy our next few days of warm weather.

The water level on my pond is low now so I put out water in trays for the birds, squirrels, cats and possums.  I can also smell a skunk out there on a windy day.  I hope it isn't coming into my back yard.  I figure he is at the neighbors eating cat food. The level of the water is too low for them to reach from the side of the pond so I hope I can keep from having any drownings.

I have a couple of more days to work in the special education room and Monday I will be out in the total staff pool in which to sub.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very nice photos today. We only have a few roses left. I have really enjoyed your morning glories this year.

  2. Probably the last of the morning beautiful! :)

  3. The final, brave morning glories are so pretty. Love the pink color. It's like they're saying goodbye until next spring. :-)
