Monday, October 29, 2012

Safe Inside......

I brought my planter inside for the winter.  I know that the inside weather won't keep them looking fresh but for now they are going to be enjoyed.  When they start to get sad looking from the heating system I will move them upstairs into a cooler spare room.

I  had to repot this set of plants as they had out grown their six inch container.  I am thinking sansevieria is the correct name of the plant.

I am a tech guy today to help get some work caught up for the Tech Coordinator.  It is a busy day as I travel to different locations to check, correct, install and reinstall things that have problems.  I have some computers that take a couple of hours to up grade their systems.  I try to do other work while I sit with them doing their thing.  Thanks for stopping by this Monday.


  1. Hi Larry, glad to read that you are having a good day and not at all like us folks here on the eastern seaboard who are going through this storm. here on the VA eastern shore we've had over 6 inches of rain and more to come with gusting winds, but we are safe and indoors and hope everyone else will be OK. We can always replace things, but not people.

  2. Those look good. Nice to enjoy them inside for a while.

  3. you are such a good plant caretaker! Have fun being a tech guy! :)

  4. I love these plants. I agree, you have a green thumb!
