Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wood and rocks.........and other things.

I think the birch tree is one of my favorite trees.  This one is probably 30 years old now.  I planted it as a small twig and look at it now.  I like the bark especially of this tree but I like also the way the branches twist and turn and  sag down.

I blogged recently about my old kitchen.  I mentioned that it had a flagstone foundation. It is the only part of the house that has flagstone.  Someone who owned the house before me patched the cracks to help reduce the air flow into the crawl space.  From the inside of the foundation it is rustic and no spaces are filled with concrete.  It looks really crude and rustic.

My house was lifted in the 40's and a basement was put under it.  The basement thus is younger than the house.  It is made up of red ceramic block.  I really don't have to go to Living History Farms to see old buildings as we live in an old building with a lot of history.

I got rid of my three piles of garden waste and limbs and weeds.  We are allowed to burn them for the month of October and into November.   It took me about two hours of burning in my fire ring.  I save fallen limbs and sucker trees that I trim all summer in piles.  It gets kind of ugly but once I have cleared it things look better.

We also babysat our neighbor's Terrier yesterday.  We just had to go over and check on her but she was so glad to have company.  We went over about four different times.

It is cold enough for a winter jacket now.  I am not ready for it but I can't do much about it.  I wore a parka to work in while outside as I don't like heavy jackets when I am working.  The orchard is all cleared and I could mow it but it wouldn't be bad if I don't get to it.  I hope you have a great Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Beautiful shot of the birch tree with your lovely home in the background. I also love the sedum bloom. I know the terrier enjoyed your company. It's in the 50's here today and very windy.

  2. We have a Silver Birch tree, and just like you, I love it's peeling bark.
    The old foundation is just beautiful, I love the look of rock foundations.
    You still have plenty of flowers blooming in your garden, how special !

  3. Great history in your house for sure! Yes it is cold here too..and it snowed last night. And so it begins:(
