Friday, October 12, 2012

Summer Growth and Fall Harvest.........

I posted my neighbor's cornfield in the late spring and the field is green and lush.  In spite of the lack of rain, the field did fairly well in putting out two ears of corn per each stalk.

The evidence of the corn being stunted is shown here with less kernels on one of the ears.  Regardless of the lesser yield, the less corn going onto the market this fall has driven up the prices so the farmer will balance out financially.

While I was working on the kitchen project for my neighbor lady, the combine hit the field with a roar.  She took her camera out to take photos of it so I could keep working and also post my blog with pictures of her cornfield.

Two wagon loads of corn were taken away while I was working and there were two more empty wagons lined up to take on corn.  I didn't see them getting filled up but if they did, the 11 acre field did a good job of producing corn.

When you hear the tractors planting the corn you know it is spring, but when the combine is out there harvesting you know it is fall.  One looks up to see if the geese are flying south and if the small birds are grouping for a migration.

It is Friday and I am glad.  I am tired and will be glad for Saturday.  We have severe storms predicted for the day but it may be spotty.  They are talking tornado weather.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoyed these photos, Larry. Hope your weather won't be severe. Get some rest this weekend.

  2. Fall harvests are just so colorful as in all the tones of nature even if they're mostly tan and green.

  3. Isn't it funny how being in different parts of our country bring such different views to our windows! I do like your view for sure, but not the possibility of a tornado!

    As for us in the Pacific NW, it looks as if our record dry spell might be ending. Take it easy this weekend!

  4. So glad to hear that your neighbors were able to have a decent harvest and with the higher corn prices, come out ok.

    Tornadoes? I sure hope you didn't have any! Those things scare the tar out of me!
