Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Backyard In Decline.........

The viburnum in spring by the blue door.  

Next to the patio, near the blue door the drought didn't keep these plants from growing and some of them blooming.


It is the middle of October and the the reality of fall is evident.  The ditch lilies area about gone and the hostas are seeing their last days. I want the leaves to stay on the ground on the garden areas but I do need to cut back the phlox stems. I am hoping to get my things on the patio put away this weekend.  That will happen if it quits misting,  the ground dries up some and if the temperatures get warmer.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. You have such a lovely garden. We are at 41 this a.m. We gathered all our yard stuff last weekend and stored it in the garage.

  2. Loved to see the blue door through the spring/summer and fall...such a distinctive color:)

  3. I agree. That blue gate is so pretty with all your plants and trees around it, even in the late fall!
